Tag Archives: yumtastic

What’s on your plate for lunch? Food that keeps you full!

Written by: Jarius Tommillson

Do you enjoy a good meal? Do you long for food that not only satisfies but fuel your body. What’s on your plate for lunch? As consumers we eat a lot of food that is not the best for us but speak to our bad cravings. Instead of filling up on snacks and carbs that does nothing for our frame, why not cook food that can keep our body full and going on a busy day.


Last night after a busy day of running errands and operating my own business I was tired. But fatigue did not set in too fast. I was able to cook a healthy yet delicious meal that still has my tongue in an up roar. My plate was covered with baked chicken wings, a vegetable medley which consisted of zucchini,  squash,  onions, green peppers,  mushrooms and carrots. Not to mention a bed of warm couscous infused with fresh basil, golden raisins and toasted almonds.


My meal was very good and didn’t take long to prepare at all. It could have been just as easy to order take out, but I am tired of lackluster food with no personality. Not to mention the extra calories and sodium that is throughout meals that only harms us. So I ask the question that is stated in the title. Whats on your plate for lunch? What about dinner? As long as is full of vegetables, fresh ingredients, and food that actually fuel our body, then all is well.


#Kontrolyourfood with my Berry Good Oatmeal!

Breakfast is the most important part of the day and can be easy to remember in the morning. With class, work, gym, and keeping up with latest trends, time can sometime slip right through our fingers. From a personally experience breakfast helps fuel my body and keeps the momentum going. Hence the name of the meal. Recently I came up with a twist on a favorite breakfast dish we all grew up eating. Whether you enjoy oatmeal with raisins or nuts, this hot dish is a crowd pleaser and very affordable at any grocery store. If you love any type of berry like me, try my Berry Good Oatmeal. It will warm your heart and soul.


The ingredients are simple and available in your spice cabinet.

  1. Oatmeal
  2. Vanilla Extract (Almond Extract is great in this dish too!)
  3. Butter
  4. Cinnamon
  5. Nutmeg
  6. Brown Sugar
  7. Berries (use what ever berries you have in the refrigerator or what is on sale at the store)
  • Prepare oatmeal as directed on the container.
  • While oats are simmering, stir oatmeal to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pot.
  • Add butter, cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla extract. As the oatmeal begin to cook down, add some brown sugar and sweeten to taste. No need to go over board with the sugar because we will be adding some berries for color, texture, and flavor.
  • Add what ever berry you decide to your oatmeal and stir. The berries will start to burst from the heat of the oatmeal. This is a very good process because we want the flavor of the berries to go all the way through the dish. For this recipe, I utilized fresh blueberries and raspberries.
  • Serve in a bowl and garnish with a small dose of butter, brown sugar and extra berries. Enjoy!



#Kontrolyourbody with this tasty Recipe!

Have a sweet tooth that can’t be contained? Are you in need a sweet fix and nothing sounds better than a nice bowl of ice cream with crushed vanilla Oreo’s on top? Sugar, spice and everything #yumtastic? Curb that sweet fix with my take on a favorite childhood snack…CHEX MIX! Yes, I said it! Who does not love Chex Mix? Its crunchy, sweet, salty, and most essentially healthier than the occasional snacks we all enjoy eating. Yesterday I came home from the gym and packed my lunch for work. I wanted a sweet fix at the end of my meal and then the idea popped into my head. CHEX MIX! Here is my recipe for this sweet take on a retro snack.


The key to Chex Mix is adding ingredients that you love to eat. Some may include dried fruits such as raisins, dates, apricots, apples, etc. That will help take care of the sweet part. Next, you want to add some crunch! This is an important part of the snack hence the name. Chex Mix cereal, nuts, pretzels, etc are perfect for this. Now to step it up a notch. You can incorporate things that can add a little perk to your snack. I love to use white chocolate chips, chocolate covered pretzels, M &M’s, etc and other things of that nature. Add your favorite items into a bowl, mix and enjoy. Shake up your snack time with this classic treat.

#Kontrolyourbeauty with this tasty snack!

Do you enjoy the taste of a crisp, fresh, cucumber? Does the scent of this “cooling” snack makes your skin yearn for more? This #yumtastic vegetable is delicious in salads, drinks, or by themselves. If you love pickles like I do, you are well aware that if you soak a cucumber in vinegar with your favorite seasons, you will have some tasty pickles to eat. Or just simply slicing them and enjoying with water. Cucumbers are not only great to consume for the flavor, but they are perfect for our body. You may ask, how so? Well, #kontrolyourbody and beauty with this lip smacking crowd pleaser.


Cucumbers carry many benefits for the body so here is a few.

  • Aids in weight loss: If you are trying to slim down, this is a great snack to consider eating. Not only does it taste pretty good, you wont feel bad eating a lot of it!
  • Prevents Headaches: When I found out that cucumbers can prevent headaches, it only made sense! Cucumbers are full of water and perfect for keeping our brain hydrated.
  • Rehydrates and remineralizes the body: This works for an overall body cleanse. Flushing the body with water is great and cucumbers have the same properties.
  • High silica content for silky hair: Yes ladies! You have the power to #kontrolyourhair with this veggie too.
  • Relieves joint pains/arthritis: For my athletes, cucumbers should always be on your plate especially for those tough calls during a close game.

We are what we eat so why not eat the things that keep our body in tip top shape.


#Kontrolyourskin with this silkening skin regimen!

Everyone enjoys taking a load off by treating themselves to the place where all troubles are left on a table.  I am talking about a place where tension, stress, and tight joints can be ease by the help of strong hands. If you still have not caught on to what I am referring to, I am talking about the spa! I am a firm believer that every once in a while its imperative to treat the body to a spa day. Not only is your mind, body and soul relaxed, your skin is nurtured and treated like the royalty it is. Over the Fourth of July holiday weekend, I had a chance to visit the beautiful island nation The Dominican Republic. Known for its rich culture and amazing food, this island gave me a first look at a skin treatment that not only softens skin, but locks in moisture and rids the body of built up dead skin cells.


My girlfriends and I visited a place called the Metamorphosis Spa center on the island and our skin was definitely transformed when the session was done. We all received an Oatmeal and Honey Scrub wrap massage. Sounds delicious right? It smelled #yumtastic too! The process was easy and started with us sitting in the sauna for approximately 15 minutes. Sitting in such a hot place is a great way to open all those pores. After the time was up, we were escorted to the hot tub and asked to relax in the warm water for 15 minutes as well. When 15 minutes came to an end, we was asked to changed into robes and was lead in the massage parlor. There, our body was rub down from head to toe with an Oatmeal exfoilant. Oatmeal is a great product to use if you suffer from dry, itchy skin. After the rub down, we were asked to rinsed off in the warm shower. Warm water works best because it keeps the skin easy to work with. After a quick shower, a sticky, oatmeal and honey paste is applied all over the body. After feeling the sticky substance from head to toe, we were wrapped up tight like burritos to lock in all this skin defying properties. I was wrapped up for 30 minutes and asked to shower again in warm water to rinse off the paste completely. When the wrap portion of the massage was complete, a full body massage using organic grape seed oil was administered.  Grape seed oil is a perfect light weight oil to cook with or moisturize your skin because its not heavy. It won’t leave a film or build up over the skin that could lead to clogged pores. Not only did my skin feel amazingly smooth and soft, but my body was totally relaxed.


Whip up dinner with this quick and easy recipe!

Because we live in a society where everything is fast, take the time and relax with this quick and easy dinner recipe. It’s so quick that you don’t even have to blink twice before dinner is done! Of course this fast dish is going to be fulling, healthy and most importantly delicious! Here is my recipe for a one dish meal that you are your family will gobble up with joy! Here is a twist on the unconventional Beef-a-roni dish.

Turkey Roni

  • Since we are making dinner in a flash, we are using some help from our local grocery store. Buy some box mac and cheese and prepare as normal. If you are not in a rush, you can make the macaroni from scratch. While the macaroni cooks, dice up onions, and tomatoes and place to the side.
  • Brown up some ground turkey and drain of the oil that renders from the meat. I love to cook with ground turkey because its leaner and not as oily as ground beef. Season well and add meat into the mac and cheese. Add onions and tomatoes and stir. Add your favorite cheese and top with bread crumbs.
  • Place dish in oven and bake for 20 minutes on 350 degrees. Take dish out the oven and serve with salad.
  • Enjoy with family or friends and don’t forget to refrigerator leftovers if they are any!
